Acts 15:1-35 Sunday Sermon (8-18-24) Pastor Greg Tyra

Acts 15:1-35 Sunday Sermon (8-18-24) Pastor Greg Tyra

Acts 15:1-35 New King James Version Conflict over Circumcision 15 And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” 2 Therefore, when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas and...

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Acts 10:1-48 Sunday Teaching (7-7-24) Pastor Greg Tyra

Acts 10 New King James Version Cornelius Sends a Delegation 10 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian [a]Regiment, 2 a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave [b]alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always. 3 About [c]the ninth hour of the...

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Acts 9 23 43 Sunday Teaching 6 30 24 Pastor Greg Tyra

Acts 9 23 43 Sunday Teaching 6 30 24 Pastor Greg Tyra

Acts 9:23-43 New King James Version Saul Escapes Death 23 Now after many days were past, the Jews plotted to kill him. 24 But their plot became known to Saul. And they watched the gates day and night, to kill him. 25 Then the disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall in a large basket. Saul at Jerusalem 26 And when

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